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Current items in circulation:

Palmroon Junction 5800: Full stock of Advanced Components: 50 per Adv. Component
Kohi Highway 6400: High stock of Low - Mid Tier Armor: Values range from 100 - 500 per

Mountainden Mine: High stock of Plasteel: 3 per Plasteel

Tall Trees: Full stock of Wood to be purchased in bulk shipments: 100 for 250 Wood

Gorfew Scavenging: Old World Relic Auctions at 3 PM on Wednesdays until next circulation

Locations & Offers

While our locations remain stagnant, our wares certainly don't!
Our wares change on a 2 week basis and are always reoccuring even though they're currently not in circulation.

Our HQ's always offer a wide variety in wares and are always open meaning you can always rely on a certain item being available and for sale.
Meanwhile our Outposts are more specialized and offer higher quality items and you can always rely on the current item in circulation to be a item of high demand and value.

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