We have it all!

Order now via Transport Pod!

General Components and Goods?

Specialized Arma​ments Shipments?

discover our specialized wares Locations & Offers

AuraCo Swift Transport

All of your necessary supplies and goods delivered in a swift and sophisticated way using our new transport pod technology.

AuraCo Specialized Outposts

Our outposts are a nice and easy way to trade for specialized and custom-made components including other items via Airdrop Trebuchets.

AuraCo Roadside Stops

Our roadside stops are reputable and convenient stores who offer more general supplies and goods in user chosen password sealed lightweight hermetic crates.

Our Routine Caravan Prices

We also offer a routine caravan to arrive in predefined scheduled times shown below


6000 Silver

Price may fluctuate depending on travel range and terrain movement difficulty

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4000 Silver

Price may fluctuate depending on travel range and terrain movement difficulty

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2000 Silver

Price may fluctuate depending on travel range and terrain movement difficulty

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Our Main Locations and Larger Outposts

We mainly operate around the equator of planets and establish headquarters and markets in arid shrublands and deserts.

Our outposts and HQ's are almost always located on and around the old asphalt highways and roads that span across the dunes of Planet 462-850B "Al Gallia".

Great Bomar Shrublands, Saragosa Junction
Barren Dune Plains, Whitehorse Creek
Gorfew Desert, Tesaroga Oasis

Palmroon Junction 5800
Kohi Highway 6400
Mountainden Mine

Our Main ​Locations:

Our Larger Outpost Locations:

What does AuraCo do and what are our goals?

We are a Trading Foundation initially founded by a "Skeleton" named Longstoat and we are traders who manufacture, buy, sell, trade and provide high quality supplies for all customers, and prove ourselves to be an essential part to all loyal customers.

Our goals are simple: We exist to balance out the resource supplies by keeping track of and evenly supplying everyone who has enough silver the proper supplies and armaments they require from us, and even barter and buy lesser needed supplies and components from large companies and small settlements so we can distribute them to others who require the supplies and components.

TF AuraCo thrive on loyal customers and suppliers and will prove to be an essential ally to anyone who handles larger cities and settlements.


Lead Settlement Manager


Trade Negotiator


Lead Resource Gatherer